
Po·ten·za (-tĕnʹzə, -tĕnʹtsä)
A city of southern Italy in the Apennines east-southeast of Naples. Founded by Romans in the second century B.C., it was ruled by numerous feudal overlords during the Middle Ages. Population: 65,388.

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ancient Potentia

City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 69,295), capital of the Basilicata region, southern Italy.

Located at 2,684 ft (819 m) above sea level in the Apennines, the Roman city Potentia was founded in the 2nd century BC and became an important road junction and flourishing community. In medieval times it had a succession of feudal overlords. In 1860 it was the first town in southern Italy to expel the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The town has been rebuilt several times after earthquake damage. It is an agricultural centre and ships fruit and vegetables.

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Latin  Potentia,  

      city, capital of Basilicata region, southern Italy, 2,684 ft (819 m) above sea level in the Apennines near the upper Basento River, east of Salerno. The Roman Potentia (founded 2nd century BC), which stood on a lower site than the modern city, was an important road junction and became a flourishing imperial municipium (organized Roman community). In the 6th century it passed to the Lombard dukes of Benevento and thereafter to a succession of feudal owners. In 1806 the French made Potenza the capital of the Basilicata. In 1860 it was the first southern Italian town to drive out the Bourbon rulers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The town has been rebuilt several times after earthquakes, the latest in 1980. It is an episcopal see, and its notable churches include the cathedral, retaining rose windows and an apse from the original 12th-century structure; S. Francesco (1274) with magnificent carved wooden doors; and S. Michele (11th12th century). The Museo Provinciale Lucano has an important archaeological collection.

      A railway junction on the SalernoTaranto line, Potenza is an agricultural centre, and much of the abundant market gardening and orchard produce is exported. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 68,577.

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