
Na·dar (-därʹ), Originally Gaspard-Félix Tournachon. 1820-1910.
French photographer known for his aerial views of Paris and his portraits of figures in the arts, including Edouard Manet and Charles Baudelaire.

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orig. Gaspard-Félix Tournachon

born April 5, 1820, Paris, France
died March 21, 1910, Paris

French photographer, caricaturist, and writer.

When his father's bankruptcy forced him to leave medical school in 1838, he settled in Paris and began selling caricatures to humour magazines. By 1853 he had become an expert photographer and had opened a portrait studio. His studies of prominent Parisians such as Charles Baudelaire (1855) and Eugène Delacroix (1855) were exceptional in their naturalness, in contrast to the stiff formality of most portraits of the time. His studio became a favourite meeting place of the Paris intelligentsia and was the site of the first Impressionist exhibit. A tireless innovator, in 1855 he patented the idea of using aerial photographs in mapmaking and surveying, and in 1858 he himself made the first successful aerial photograph, from a balloon. He also wrote novels, essays, satires, and autobiographical works.

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French writer, caricaturist, and photographer
pseudonym of  Gaspard-félix Tournachon  
born April 5, 1820, Paris
died March 21, 1910, Paris

      French writer, caricaturist, and photographer who is remembered primarily for his photographic portraits, which are considered to be among the best done in the 19th century.

      As a young man, he studied medicine in Lyon, Fr., but, when his father's publishing house went bankrupt in 1838, he was forced to earn his own livelihood. He began to write newspaper articles that he signedNadar.” In 1842 Nadar settled in Paris and began to sell caricatures to humour magazines.

      By 1853, although he still considered himself primarily a caricaturist, he had become an expert photographer and had opened a portrait studio. Nadar's immediate success stemmed partly from his sense of showmanship. He had the entire building that housed his studio painted red and his name printed in gigantic letters across a 50-foot (15-metre) expanse of wall. The building became a local landmark and a favourite meeting place of the intelligentsia of Paris. When, in 1874, the painters later known as Impressionists needed a place to hold their first exhibit, Nadar lent them his gallery. He was greatly pleased by the storm the exhibit raised; the notoriety was good for business.

      In 1854 he completed his firstPanthéonNadar,” a set of two gigantic lithographs portraying caricatures of prominent Parisians. When he began work on the secondPanthéon-Nadar,” he made photographic portraits of the persons he intended to caricature. His portraits of the illustrator Gustave Doré (c. 1855) and the poet Charles Baudelaire (1855) are direct and naturally posed, in contrast to the stiff formality of most contemporaneous portraits. Other remarkable character studies are those of the writer Théophile Gautier (c. 1855) and the painter Eugène Delacroix (1855).

      Nadar was a tireless innovator. In 1855 he patented the idea of using aerial photographs in mapmaking and surveying. It was not until 1858, however, that he was able to make a successful aerial photograph, the world's first, from a balloon. This led Daumier to issue a satirical lithograph of Nadar photographing Paris from a balloon. It was titledNadar Raising Photography to the Height of Art.”

      Nadar remained a passionate aeronaut until he and his wife and other passengers were injured in an accident in Le Géant, a gigantic balloon he had built.

      In 1858 he began to photograph by electric light, making a series of photographs of Paris sewers. And, in 1886, he made the firstphoto interview,” a series of 21 photographs of the French scientist Eugène Chevreul in conversation. Each picture was captioned with Chevreul's responses to Nadar's questions, giving a vivid impression of the scientist's personality. Nadar also wrote novels, essays, satires, and autobiographical works.

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