

      Korean holiday celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month to commemorate the start of summer and to honour spirits and ancestors. One of Korea's oldest holidays, it was originally a day of games and festivities, marked by ssirum (Korean wrestling), swing competitions for women, mask dances, songs, and feasts. Typical foods included rice cakes cooked with mugwort leaves, which were believed to ward off evil spirits, and fish soup. A number of activities were also undertaken to promote good health, including the drinking of aheho-t'ang, an herb tea that, according to legend, would make one less affected by the heat if consumed every day during the summer. Men and women also washed their hair in water that was boiled with various flowers, a practice that was thought to repel bad spirits and diseases. Specially made fans were often given as gifts. Although no longer officially observed, Tano is still celebrated, especially in the countryside, and ssirum competitions are often televised.

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