British Joint Outline Plan Neptune

British Joint Outline Plan Neptune

Primary Source
      Having received theNeptuneInitial Joint Plan from the joint commanders of the Allied expeditionary forces, the British Second Army prepared, as required, its own plan outlining its role in the establishment of an Allied lodgment area in Normandy. The extracts reproduced below from this outline plan (which was drafted in conjunction with the Number 83 Group of the Royal Air Force's Second Tactical Air Force) commit the Second Army to securing areas around Caen that might be used for airfields; beyond that, the Second Army has no intention to make a significant advance inland until the U.S. First Army to the west has secured the port of Cherbourg and swept into Brittany.

      As modest as these goals may seem, some of them proved to be beyond the greatest efforts of the Second Army on the day of the invasion. The cities of Caen and Bayeux, for instance, were expected to fall on the evening of D-Day. Bayeux was indeed taken, only one day behind schedule, but Caen was to remain beyond the Second Army's grasp for more than a month.


      1. (a) The ultimate object of Second British Army is to protect the flank of the U.S. Armies while the latter capture CHERBOURG, ANGERS, NANTES and the BRITTANY ports.

      There is no intention of carrying out a major advance until the BRITTANY ports have been captured.

      (b) The immediate object of the operations envisaged in this Outline Plan is to secure and develop a bridgehead SOUTH of the line CAEN 0368 - ST LO 5063 and SE of CAEN in order to secure airfield sites for the rapid establishment of air forces in the bridgehead, and to protect the flank of the First US Army, while the latter captures CHERBOURG.


      . . . 3. Main Tasks

      (a) 30 Corps right, and 1 Corps left, will assault beaches between PORT-EN-BESSIN 7587 and the R ORNE, and will advance to secure PIERRE D'ENTREMONT 8027 - CONDE-SUR-NOIREAU 8831 - FALAISE 1436 and the high ground to the NORTH of it - ARGENCES 1761 - DIVES-SUR-MER 2279.

      (b) After completion of landing of two assaulting Corps, 8 and 12 Corps will land in succession, and will be prepared to develop operations in a SE direction. . . .


      5. The two assaulting Corps will advance by bounds (set out in the phases detailed below) from firm base to firm base. The maximum amount of offensive action by mobile forces will be carried out in advance of these firm bases.

      The speed of the advance from firm base to firm base will depend upon the rate of Build Up. The depth to which offensive action by mobile forces can be carried out in advance of these firm bases will depend upon the amount of enemy resistance, and the success achieved in establishing air forces in the bridgehead.

      6. The intensive fighter effort required over the beaches can only be maintained for a short period by air forces based in the UK. It is essential therefore, to operate air forces from airfields on the Continent as early as possible after the assault so that the effort required can be maintained. To this end, by D plus 14, ten airfields must be built, and protected at a depth sufficient to prevent them being subjected to harassing artillery fire, in order that No. 83 Group RAF can be built up to full strength by that date.



      7. (a) 30 Corps will assault with 50 Div on a two brigade front and will secure BAYEUX 7879 by the evening of D Day.

      1 Corps will assault with 3 Cdn Div right on a two brigade front and 3 Br Div left on a one brigade front and secure CAEN 0368 by the evening of D Day.

      The capture and retention of CAEN is vital to the Army Plan.

      One SAS Tps is allotted to 1 Corps. This unit will land on the night D - 1/D Day with the task of delaying the movement of enemy reserves towards CAEN from the EAST and SE.

      (b) The domination of the area OUISTREHAM 1079 - CABOURG 2179 - TROARN 1667 - CAEN is necessary for the security of the left flank, and to ensure that the beaches immediately WEST of OUISTREHAM may be used for maintenance.

      The following tps are allotted to 1 Corps for this purpose:

      (i) One Para Bde (four bns)

      (ii) 1 SS Bde (less one Commando)

      The primary task for the para bde is the capture of the bridges at BENOUVILLE 099748 and RANVILLE 104746.

      The primary task for 1 SS Bde is to secure coastal defences, FRANCEVILLE 1578 - CABOURG 2179.

      (c) The remaining Commando of 1 SS Bde is allotted to 1 Corps to deal with OUISTREHAM, and on completion of this task to rejoin the rest of the bde.

      (d) 4 SS Bde is allotted to 1 Corps for the task of clearing up the area between 3 Cdn and 3 Br Inf Divs as early as possible on D Day, and with a view to the destruction of the coast arty btys at HOULGATE 2480 and BENERVILLE 4111, if necessary, during night D/D + 1.

      83 Group RAF

      8. 83 Group must be ready by dusk, D Day, to take over the control of night fighters operating over the bridgehead on the night D/D + 1 and also be ready to undertake the forward direction of day fighters on D + 1.

      PHASE II


      9. (a) 30 Corps will advance and secure the centre of communications at VILLERS - BOCAGE 8157, gaining contact with 5 US Corps at CAUMONT 7059.

      (b) 1 Corps will pivot on CAEN and maintain contact with 30 Corps. As a basis for planning, it is considered that the rate of Build Up will not permit this advance before D + 3/D + 4.

      83 Group RAF

      10. The operation of sqns from two refuelling and re-arming strips will commence from one R & RS on D + 3 and from a second on D + 3 or D + 4. These strips will be located in the vicinity of ST CROIX-SUR-MER, 9383, and BAZENVILLE, 8982.



      11. (a) 30 Corps will advance and secure the high ground BOIS DU HOMME 7151 - Pt 361 7250 and MONT PINCON 8345, gaining contact with 5 US Corps in the area immediately SOUTH of FORET L'EVEQUE 6348.

      (b) 1 Corps will advance and secure the high ground immediately NE of BRETTEVILLE-SUR-LAIZE 0553 and the high ground immediately EAST of ARGENCES 1761.

      As a basis for planning it is considered that the rate of Build Up will not permit this advance before D + 7/D + 8. . . .

      (c) The capture and retention by 1 Corps of the two areas described above is essential for the construction of the airfields SE of CAEN. If these areas are not secured it is doubtful if ten airfields can be developed by D + 14, as required by the overall air plan.

      83 Group RAF

      12. (a) The operation of sqns from five ALGs (including two converted R and R strips) will commence from D + 7/8.

      The three additional strips are: CAMILLY 9476, VILLONS LES BUISSONS 0075, COULOMBS 8926

      PHASE IV


      13. (a) 30 Corps will advance and secure the high ground PIERRE D'ENTREMONT 8027 - MONT DE CERISE 8125 and CONDE-SUR-NOIREAU 8831, gaining contact with First US Army at VIRE 6331.

      (b) 1 Corps will pivot on ARGENCES 1761 and advance and secure FALAISE 1436 and the high ground to the NORTH of it.

      As a basis for planning it is considered that the rate of Build Up will not permit this advance until D + 12/D + 17, by which time 8 Corps and possibly 12 Corps will be available in reserve.

      83 Group RAF

      14. (a) A further five ALGs, making a total of ten, will be in operation by D + 14. These additional ALGs will be located as follows:

      Two in area AUTHIE 9871 - CAEN/CARPIQUET 9769

      Three in area ESCOVILLE 1271 - FRENOUVILLE 1162

      If, for tactical reasons, it is not possible to use the area ESCOVILLE 1271 - FRENOUVILLE 1162, it may be possible to develop alternative sites in the following area:

      (i) Area LONGUES 7896 - SOMMERVIEU 8381 - MARTRAGNY 8676

      (ii) Area BENY-SUR-MER 9880 - BIEVILLE 0674.

* * *

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