Rings of Uranus

Rings of Uranus

Rings of Uranus
name distance from centre of planet (km) observed width (km)* equivalent width (km)**
6 41,837 1-2 0.66
5 42,235 2-7 1.23
4 42,571 1-6 1.06
Alpha 44,718 4-11 3.86
Beta 45,661 4-13 3.16
Eta 47,176 1-4 0.64
Gamma 47,627 2-8 3.13
Delta 48,300 3-8 2.69
Lambda 50,026 2-3 0.30
Epsilon 51,149 20-95 42.800
*The range of values reflects real variations with respect to longitude as well as measurement error.
**Equivalent width is the product of the observed width and the fraction of light attenuated and is given for visible light.
See as table:

* * *

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