- Representative ecdysones of arthropods and plants
▪ TableRepresentative ecdysones of arthropods and plantscompounds variant of ecdysone structure occurrenceC27 steroidsecdysone( b1;-ecdysone) 2 b2;,3 b2;,14 b1;,22,25-pentahydroxy-5 b2;-cholest-7-en-6-one silkworm, Bombyx mori; oak silk moth, Antheraea pernyi, and other insects; also the ferns Pteridium aquilinum and Polypodium vulgare and Osmunda speciesecdysterone, crustecdysone( b2;-ecdysone) 20 b1;-hydroxy- Bombyx mori, Antheraea pernyi, and other insects; crab, Callinectes sapidus, and crayfish, Jasus lalandei; the conifer, Podocarpus elatus, the yew, Taxus baccata, and several ferns2-deoxycrust-ecdysone 2-deoxy-20 b1;-hydroxy- Jasus lalandeicallinecdysone A 20,26-dihydroxy-, 25-deoxy- Callinectes sapidus (premolting)C28 steroidscallinecdysone B 20-hydroxy-, 24-methyl- Callinectes sapidus (postmolting)makisterone B 20,26-dihydroxy-, 24-methyl-25-deoxy- Podocarpus macrophyllusC29 steroidsmakisterone C 20-hydroxy-, 24-ethyl- Podocarpus macrophylluscyasterone 20,22-dihydroxystigmasteno-26,28-lactone side chain Cyathula capitata and several Ajuga speciesSee as table:
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Universalium. 2010.