- Some important sterols and their sources
▪ TableSome important sterols and their sourcescommon name systematic name occurrencecholesterol 5-cholesten-3 b2;-ol principal sterol of most animals and all vertebrate tissuescoprostanol 5 b2;-cholestan-3 b2;-ol feces of vertebratescholestanol 5 b1;-cholestan-3 b2;-ol minor vertebrate sterol: guinea pig and rabbit adrenallathosterol 5 b1;-cholest-7-en-3 b2;-ol vertebrate skin, intestine7-dehydrocholesterol 5,7-cholestadien-3 b2;-ol mammalian skin, intestinedesmosterol 5,24-cholestadien-3 b2;-ol chick embryo, barnacle (Balanus glandula)zymosterol 5 b1;-cholesta-8,24-dien-3 b2;-ol minor sterol of yeastsergosterol 5,7,22-ergostatrien-3 b2;-ol principal sterol of yeasts, ergot (Claviceps purpurea), and other fungistigmasterol 5,22-stigmastadien-3 b2;-ol most green plants, soybeanssitosterol 5-stigmasten-3 b2;-ol most green plants, wheat germlanosterol 8,24-lanostadien-3 b2;-ol skin, sheep wool, fat, yeastslophenol 4 b1;-methyl-5 b1;-cholest-7-en-3 b2;-ol skin, intestine, feces, cactus (Lophocereus schotti)cycloartenol 9,19-cyclo-24-lanosten-3 b2;-ol generally minor sterol of green plants (Artocarpus species)See as table:
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Universalium. 2010.