

name colour lustre Mohs hardness specific gravity
aegirine green to greenish black vitreous 6 3.43.6
augite brown; green; black vitreous 5 1/26 3.23.5
diopside white, pale to dark green (diopside); brownish green, dark green, black (hedenbergite) vitreous 5 1/26 1/2 3.23.6
jadeite green; apple-green; emerald-green; variable vitreous 6 3.23.4
johannsenite clove-brown, grayish, green vitreous 6 3.43.6
orthopyroxene usually green; colourless, gray, yellow, brown pearly to vitreous 56 3.24.0
pigeonite brown, greenish brown, black vitreous 6 3.33.5
spodumene commonly grayish white; also green, lilac, yellowish, colourless vitreous 6 1/27 3.03.2
name habit fracture or cleavage refractive indices crystal system
aegirine crystals one good cleavage of 87° alpha = 1.7001.776
beta = 1.7101.820
gamma = 1.7301.836 monoclinic
augite short, thick, tabular crystals one good cleavage of 87° alpha = 1.6711.735
beta = 1.6721.741
gamma = 1.7031.761 monoclinic
diopside slender prismatic crystals; granular or lamellar masses one good cleavage of 87° alpha = 1.6641.732
beta = 1.6721.730
gamma = 1.6941.757 monoclinic
jadeite cryptocrystalline aggregates and nodules one good cleavage of 87° alpha = 1.6401.658
beta = 1.6451.663
gamma = 1.6521.673 monoclinic
johannsenite prismatic crystals and fibres in radiating, columnar, or spherical aggregates one good cleavage of 87° alpha = 1.7031.716
beta = 1.7111.728
gamma = 1.7321.745 monoclinic
orthopyroxene fibrous or lamellar masses one good cleavage of 88° alpha = 1.6501.768
beta = 1.6531.770
gamma = 1.6581.788 orthorhombic
pigeonite one good cleavage of 87° alpha = 1.6821.722
beta = 1.6841.722
gamma = 1.7051.751 monoclinic
spodumene flattened prismatic crystals (sometimes as large as 6 ft × 42 ft); cleavable masses one good cleavage of 87° alpha = 1.6481.663
beta = 1.6551.669
gamma = 1.6621.679 monoclinic
See as table:

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Universalium. 2010.

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