Selected breeds of pigs

Selected breeds of pigs

Selected breeds of pigs
name use distribution characteristics comments
Berkshire meat U.K., Japan, Australia, N.Z., South America medium-sized; black with white feet, face, and tail tip raised for pork and bacon in different areas
Duroc, or Duroc-Jersey lard North and South America medium length; light gold-red to dark red 1/2 Jersey Red, 1/2 Duroc
Hampshire meat U.S. breed medium weight, long body; black and white forelegs and shoulders active, alert, good grazer
Landrace meat north and central Europe and U.S. medium-sized; white, often with small black spots several breeds; raised for bacon
Spotted meat developed U.S. black and white spotted (ideally 50/50) sometimes called Spots
(in England, Large White) meat worldwide distribution white, sometimes with dark areas a bacon breed; sows are prolific
See as table:

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