Isotopes of the Group Vla elements

Isotopes of the Group Vla elements

Isotopes of the Group Vla elements
stable isotopes         unstable isotopes        
mass abundance
(percentage) mass half-life
oxygen 16 99.759 14 71 seconds
17   0.037 15 2.07 minutes
18   0.204 19 29 seconds
20 14 seconds
sulfur 32 95.0 30 1.4 seconds
33   0.76 31 2.7 seconds
34   4.22 35 88 days
36   0.014 37 5.1 minutes
38 2.78 hours
selenium 74   0.87 70 44 minutes
76   9.02 71 5 minutes
77   7.58 72 8.4 days
78 23.52 73** 42 minutes
80 49.82 7.1 hours
82   9.19 75 120 days
77 17.5 seconds
79 6.5(104) years
81** 57 minutes
18.6 minutes
83** 70 seconds
23 minutes
84 3.3 minutes
85 39 seconds
87 16 seconds
tellurium 120   0.089 114 16 minutes
122   2.46 115 6 minutes
123   0.87 116 2.5 hours
124   4.61 117 61 minutes
125   6.99 118 6 days
126 18.71 119** 4.7 days
128 31.79 16 hours
130 34.48 121** 154 days
17 days
123 117 days
125 58 days
127** 109 days
9.4 days
129** 34 days
69 minutes
131** 1.2 days
25 minutes
132 78 hours
133** 50 minutes
12.5 minutes
134 42 minutes
polonium* 192 0.5 second
193 4 seconds
194 0.5 second
195 3 seconds
196 6 seconds
197 54 seconds
198 1.7 minutes
199 5 minutes
200 11 minutes
201 15.1 minutes
202 45 minutes
203 42 minutes
204 3.6 hours
205 1.8 hours
206 8.8 days
207** 2.8 seconds
5.7 hours
208 2.93 years
209 103 years
210 138.4 days
211** 25 seconds
0.52 second
212 0.30(10−6) second
213 4(10−6) second
214 164(10−6) second
215 0.0018 second
216 0.15 second
217 less than 10 seconds
218 3.05 minutes
*No stable isotopes.   **Two isotopes.
See as table:

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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