Planetary data for Uranus

Planetary data for Uranus

Planetary data for Uranus
mean distance from Sun 2,870,990,000 km (19.2 AU)
eccentricity of orbit 0.0461
inclination of orbit to ecliptic 0.774°
Uranian year (sidereal period of revolution) 84.01 Earth years
visual magnitude at mean opposition 5.5
mean synodic period* 369.66 Earth days
mean orbital velocity 6.81 km/s
equatorial radius** 25,559 km
polar radius** 24,973 km
mass 8.684 x 1025 kg
mean density 1.285 g/cm3
gravity** 869 cm/s2
escape velocity** 21.3 km/s
rotation period (magnetic field) 17 hr 14 min (retrograde)
inclination of equator to orbit 97.86°
magnetic field strength at equator 0.23 gauss
tilt angle of magnetic axis 58.6°
offset of magnetic axis 0.31 of Uranus's radius
number of known moons 27
planetary ring system 10 known rings
*Time required for the planet to return to the same position in the sky relative to the Sun as seen from Earth.
**Calculated for the altitude at which 1 bar of atmospheric pressure is exerted.
See as table:

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Universalium. 2010.

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