
mor·pho (môrʹfō) n. pl. mor·phos
Any of various large, brightly colored butterflies of the genus Morpho, found in tropical parts of Central and South America and including especially M. menelaus and M. rhetenor. These butterflies are noted for the brilliant iridescent blue color of their wings.
  [New Latin Morphō, genus name, from Greek, epithet of Aphrodite, perhaps from morphē, shape, form.]

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Any species of New World tropical brush-footed butterflies in the genus Morpho (family Nymphalidae).

Microscopic ridges on the wing scales break up and reflect light, producing the iridescent blue of the males of some species. The generally duller-coloured females have broader, less graceful wings. The hairy larvae feed on plants and live and pupate in a communal web. Some species have poisonous hairs that can cause a rash on human skin. Morphos are raised commercially in South America for use in jewelry, lamp shades, pictures, and tray inlays.

Morpho butterfly (Morpho nestira).

Appel Color Photography

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(family Morphidae) 
 any of numerous very large tropical American butterfly species with dazzling iridescent wings, usually with a pronounced blue area. With wingspans that can reach 20 cm (8 inches), morphos are among the largest and most beautiful Central and South American butterflies, ranging from Mexico to Venezuela, Trinidad, Colombia, and Peru in forests from sea level to 1,400 metres (4,600 feet). Morphos soar effortlessly along roads, trails, and streams. Their flyways seem to function like roads for most individuals in a given population.

      While not in flight, adult morphos tend to stay hidden on the ground with their wings closed, exposing only the drab undersides in an effort to foil birds like jacamars and flycatchers, which prey upon them. The bright blue coloration that distinguishes morphos is not due to blue pigment. Rather, it is the result of microscopic ridges on the butterflies' wing scales that scatter and reflect light. The generally duller-coloured females have broader, less graceful wings than do males.

      Except for some morphos that rarely descend from the treetops, most adults feed on fallen fruit as well as mud and carrion. The females are most active at midday, searching for the right plants on which to lay their dome-shaped eggs. The larvae eat several species of leguminous plants, and each egg is laid singly on the underside of a leaf upon which the hatchlings will feed. The caterpillars live in a communal web and are mottled red and yellow, with black heads covered with irritating hairs. After attaining a third-instar length of 9 cm (3.5 inches), the caterpillar creates a light green oval chrysalis from which it will emerge as a butterfly. The life cycle from egg to adult is 115 days. Morphos are bred commercially for decorative use in items such as display boxes, jewelry, lampshades, and inlays.

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Universalium. 2010.

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