- Principal nighttime meteor showers
▪ TablePrincipal nighttime meteor showersshower average dateof maximum normaldurationQuadrantid January 3 1 medium 41 not knownLyrid April 22 1 irregular 48 ThatcherEta Aquarid May 3 5 weak 66 HalleySouthern Delta Aquarid July 29 8 medium 41 not knownCapricornid July 30 3 medium 23 not knownPerseid August 12 5 strong 59 Swift-TuttleAndromedid October 3 11 weak 21 BielaDraconid October 9 1 irregular 20 Giacobini-ZinnerOrionid October 21 2 medium 66 HalleyTaurid November 8 30 weak 28 EnckeLeonid November 17 less than 1 irregular 71 Tempel-TuttleGeminid December 14 4 strong 34 (3200) Phaethon**This body was classified as an asteroid on discovery, but it is now suspected to be a burnt-out comet.Source: Data derived primarily from A.F. Cook in NASA SP-319 (1973).See as table:
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Universalium. 2010.