Zirkel, Ferdinand

Zirkel, Ferdinand

German geologist
born May 20, 1838, Bonn
died June 12, 1912, Bonn

      German geologist and pioneer in microscopic petrography, the study of rock minerals by viewing thin slices of rock under a microscope and noting their optical characteristics.

      Zirkel became professor of mineralogy at Lemberg University in 1863. The first edition of his famous Lehrbuch der Petrographie (1866; “Manual of Petrography”) was written before he had learned the technique of microscopic petrography, which the geologist Henry C. Sorby was developing in England. After visiting the British Isles in 1868 and becoming acquainted with Sorby, he adopted Sorby's new technique and in 1870 published Untersuchungen über die mikroskopische Zusammensetzung und Struktur der Basaltgesteine (“Inquiry into the Microscopic Composition and Structure of Basaltic Minerals”).

      Zirkel accepted the chair of mineralogy at the University of Leipzig in 1870 and continued his studies. His Mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Mineralien und Gesteine (1873; “The Microscopic Nature of Minerals and Rocks”) made the new method of study widely available. In the 1870s Zirkel was engaged by the noted U.S. geologist Clarence King to study the rocks collected during the survey of the 40th parallel in the western United States. In 1876 Zirkel wrote the fourth volume of the survey report and thus introduced microscopic petrography into the United States. During his long tenure at Leipzig, he rewrote his Lehrbuch completely, and it became one of the classics of geology, reappearing in three large volumes in 1894. At that time it was the only complete handbook of petrography.

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