

      megye (county), western Hungary. It is bordered by the counties of Vas to the northwest, Veszprém to the northeast, and Somogy to the east and by Croatia to the south and Slovenia to the southwest. Zalaegerszeg is the county seat. Other major towns include Hévíz, Keszthely, Letenye, Nagykanizsa, Zalakaros, and Zalaszentgrót.

      Three major features make up the landscape of Zala: the Transdanubian uplands, which are foothills to the Alps that lie across the western border; the Keszthely Mountains in the northeast; and the wooded, undulating Zala hills in the south and east. A small portion of Lake Balaton (Balaton, Lake) known as Keszthely Bay occupies a northeastern corner of the county. Zala's major rivers include the Mura, which defines the southern frontier of Hungary; the Kerka, which runs through the county's western hills; and the Zala, which flows into Lake Balaton. Vegetation mainly consists of beech forests, which are rich in game, and a patch of pinewood forest in the Göcsej hills. Wet meadows and pastures are found on the valley floors in the Zala hills.

      Agricultural production was the economic base of the county for centuries, although the soil and natural conditions are not favourable. Animal husbandry and fruit cultivation remain significant, and forestry is also important. The structural changes in the county's economy commenced with the railway constructions of the mid-18th century and continued with the discovery and exploitation of crude oil. Zala evolved into a centre of crude oil production, and in the 1960s other industrial sectors moved to the region as well. The crude oil supplies were mostly exhausted by the 1990s, but the county's economic value increased due to its proximity to western Europe. Numerous foreign companies settled in the region, some of which also produce for export. Zalaegerszeg is home to crude oil refineries as well as electronics, chemical, and textile industries. The oil and gas industry is important in Nagykanizsa, Lenti, and Gellénháza, and food processing is important in Zalaegerszeg (meat and dairy) and Nagykanizsa (beer).

      Tourism is mostly based on Lake Balaton, as well as on spas and fishing in other areas of the county. Keszthely, the tourist centre of the Balaton region, is noted for its museums and memorial buildings. Hévíz, Lenti, and Zalakaros are renowned for their spas. The Fazekasház in Zalaegerszeg and the Village Museum in Göcsej display the pottery traditions and costumes that are characteristic of the region. The Eger fortress is another popular tourist attraction, as is horse racing at Rádiháza.

      Zala, which was the home of the Vérbulcsú tribes at the time of Magyar settlement, was first declared a countyunder the name of Kólonduring the rule of Stephen I. It was renamed Zala county in the 18th century. Its frontiers have often been modified during history; following the Treaty of Trianon (Trianon, Treaty of) in 1919, parts of the county were annexed to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Area 1,461 square miles (3,784 square km). Pop. (2004 est.) 297,000.

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