- Ye Ting
▪ Chinese military leaderborn Sept. 10, 1896, Guishan [now Huiyang], Guangdong province, Chinadied April 8, 1946, Shanxi provinceoutstanding Chinese military leader.Ye is thought to have been of peasant origin, but he was educated at the Baoding Military Academy, from which he graduated in 1918. He joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1924 and was commander of a vanguard unit on the Northern Expedition in 1926. He was a key figure in the Nanchang Uprising of Aug. 1, 1927, and commanded communist units during the Guangzhou (Canton) (Canton) Commune, after the coup of Dec. 11, 1927, in that city. Both of these attempts by the CCP to seize power were quickly nullified by the Nationalists (Nationalist Party) (Kuomintang). In 1928 Ye went to the Soviet Union and in 1929 to western Europe, where he remained for five years. In October 1937, after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, Ye was appointed commander of the (communist) New Fourth Army. The cooperation that had been initiated between the communists and the Nationalists soon deteriorated, however, and in January 1941 Ye (while at Nationalist headquarters) was arrested and his troops were ambushed. At the time of what became known as the New Fourth Army Incident, the army had about 100,000 men, 9,000 of whom were killed, wounded, or captured. Ye himself was held prisoner for five years by the Nationalists and, soon after his release, was killed in an airplane accident.
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Universalium. 2010.