Xie He

Xie He

Chinese painter and critic
flourished 6th century

      Chinese figure painter and critic who is best remembered for collating or inventing the famousSix Principles” (liufa) of Chinese painting.

      TheSix Principlesintroduce Xie's Gu Huapin Lu (“Classified Record of Painters of Former Times”), which rates 27 painters in three classes of descending merit, each with three subdivisions. TheSix Principleshave inevitably acquired new and even different meanings through the ages, but generally they may be paraphrased as follows: creativity (orspirit resonance”), structural use of the brush, proper representation of objects, specific coloration of those objects, good composition, and transmission of the old masters by copying them. These became the basic standards of both the Chinese painter's training and the critic's judgment.

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