

emperor of Qing dynasty
Wade-Giles romanization  Hsien-feng , personal name (xingming)  Yizhu , temple name (miaohao)  Wenzong , posthumous name (shi)  Xiandi 
born July 17, 1831, Beijing, China
died Aug. 22, 1861, Rehe [Jehol; now Chengde, Hebei province]

      reign name (nianhao) of the seventh emperor of the Qing (Manchu) dynasty (Qing dynasty) (16441911/12) of China. During his reign (185061) China was beset internally by the Taiping Rebellion (185064) and externally by conflicts with the encroaching European powers.

      By the time the Xianfeng emperor assumed the throne in 1850, the Qing empire was on the verge of disintegration. Only a few months after he became emperor, the Taiping Rebellion broke out in Guangxi and Guangdong provinces in South China. The Manchu troops that the emperor sent to suppress the rebellion proved so ineffective that the rebels were able to move northward to the Yangtze River basin, take the city of Nanjing (Nanking) in 1853, and mount an unsuccessful expedition to capture Beijing (185455), the Chinese capital. In coping with the rebellion, Xianfeng had to acknowledge the decline of the Manchus' fighting abilities and came to increasingly rely on volunteer militias raised in the provinces by Zeng Guofan and other able Chinese leaders. At the same time, the Nian Rebellion (185268) kept sections of North China in disarray while the government was preoccupied with the rebels in the south.

      Another major threat arose from Great Britain, France, and the other Western powers, who were pressuring China to extend the trade privileges it had granted them by the Treaty of Nanjing (1842). Xianfeng refused direct negotiations with the European envoys, and in response British and French forces occupied Canton in 1857 and forced China to conclude the Treaties of Tianjin with them in 1858. Xianfeng refused to ratify the treaties, however, and in response Anglo-French forces began to advance on Beijing. Xianfeng refused to believe that the European allies could take his capital but was forced to flee the city in humiliation when they reached it in October. The emperor stayed in the city of Rehe (Jehol; now Chengde) while his ministers signed the Beijing Convention, which signified China's acceptance of the 1858 treaties. Ashamed of his flight, Xianfeng refused to return to his capital after the Europeans had evacuated it, and he died soon afterward.

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