Wyatt, Sir Thomas

Wyatt, Sir Thomas

▪ English poet
Wyatt also spelled  Wyat  
born 1503, Allington, near Maidstone, Kent, Eng.
died Oct. 6, 1542, Sherborne, Dorset

      poet who introduced the Italian sonnet and terza rima verse form and the French rondeau into English literature.

      Wyatt was educated at St. John's, Cambridge, and became a member of the court circle of Henry VIII, where he seems to have been popular and admired for his attractive appearance and skill in music, languages, and arms. During his career, he served a number of diplomatic missions and was knighted in 1537, but his fame rests on his poetic achievements, particularly his songs. His poems are unusual for their time in carrying a strong sense of individuality. They consist of Certayne Psalmes . . . drawen into Englyshe meter (1549); three satires, and Songes and Sonettes, published in Tottel's Miscellany (1557); and songs identified in manuscript, published in 19th- and 20th-century editions.

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  • Sir Thomas Wyatt — noun English poet who introduced the sonnet form to English literature (1503 1542) • Syn: ↑Wyatt, ↑Wyat, ↑Sir Thomas Wyat • Instance Hypernyms: ↑poet …   Useful english dictionary

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