

Ostrogoth king of Italy

flourished 536

      Ostrogoth soldier who became king of Italy and led his people in an unsuccessful last-ditch struggle against the Eastern Roman Empire.

      Witigis was elected king in the autumn of 536 to replace Theodahad, who had been deposed and killed as the Byzantine general Belisarius advanced on Rome. Leaving a small garrison to defend Rome, Witigis massed his forces in Ravenna, where he married Matasuntha, granddaughter of King Theodoric, to strengthen the legality of his own position. In Witigis' absence, Pope Silverius turned Rome over to Belisarius.

      In March 537 Witigis returned to besiege Rome, cutting the aqueducts to reduce Belisarius' garrison, a maneuver that backfired by turning Witigis' own camp into a malaria-breeding marsh. When the Eastern Roman emperor Justinian I sent reinforcements, Witigis was forced to agree to a three-month truce, which Belisarius broke, invading Picenum and threatening Ravenna. In March 538 the Goths abandoned the siege of Rome. They held out in northern Italy for two more years, but, by the spring of 540, they held only the stronghold of Ravenna.

      To salvage the situation, Witigis agreed to abdicate, and the Gothic chiefs offered the throne to Belisarius. The General, on pretext of accepting, entered Ravenna; he seized Witigis and Matasuntha, the Gothic nobles, and Theodoric's treasure and bore them off to Constantinople. The fate of Witigis is unknown.

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