William de Hauteville

William de Hauteville

Norman mercenary
byname  William Iron Arm , Italian  Guglielmo d'Altavilla  or  Guglielmo Braccio-di-Ferro , French  Guillaume de Hauteville  or  Guillaume Bras de Fer 
born , Hauteville-la-Guichard, Normandy [France]
died 1046

      Norman adventurer, the eldest of 12 Hauteville brothers, a soldier of fortune who led the first contingent of his family from Normandy to southern Italy. He undertook its conquest and quickly became count of Apulia.

      William and his brothers Drogo (Drogo de Hauteville) and Humphrey (Humphrey De Hauteville) responded (c. 1035) to an appeal for reinforcements in Italy by the Norman Rainulf of Aversa. He fought under Byzantine command against the Arabs (103840), and he earned his sobriquetIron Armduring the Norman-Byzantine siege of Muslim-occupied Syracuse (Sicily) when he charged and killed the emir of the city. When his commander was recalled to Constantinople, William and his men rebelled. He served as a captain of the Norman army that joined the Lombards in invading Apulia, in southern Italy, and was proclaimed count of Apulia in 1042. The title was confirmed later that year by Gaimar V, the Lombard prince of Salerno, who arranged a marriage between William and his own niece, daughter of the duke of Sorrento. Emerging as the most powerful leader in southern Italy, William, allied with Gaimar, invaded Calabria (the toe of Italy) two years later. After his death, his brother Drogo was invested as count of Apulia.

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