White Lotus Rebellion

White Lotus Rebellion

▪ Chinese history
      (1796–1804), large-scale uprising in the mountainous regions of central China that contributed to the decline of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911/12). The White Lotus society (Bailianjiao) was a religious cult already in existence in the Nan (Southern) Song dynasty (1127–1279). When the Manchu tribes of Manchuria (now Northeast China) conquered China some 500 years later in the 17th century and proclaimed the Qing dynasty, the White Lotus members dedicated themselves to the overthrow of the alien Manchu and to the return of the previous Ming dynasty (1368–1644). In the late 18th century, in response to famine, crowded conditions, and harassment from petty government officials, White Lotus leaders in central China began a rebellion; they promised their followers that there would be the return of the Buddha and the end of suffering.

      Although the rebellion continued for nine years, it never became an organized attempt to establish a new dynasty. Rather, it consisted of uncoordinated roving bands using hit-and-run guerrilla tactics. Vast sums of money earmarked for the campaign against the rebels, however, were embezzled by the imperial favourite Heshen and his friends. Not until the Qianlong emperor died in 1799 was Heshen removed and the war really prosecuted. By that time, however, the regular government forces were too ridden with corruption to be of any use. The dynasty had to resort to a strategy of removing all food supplies from the countryside and collecting the peasants into a series of armed stockades. In the stockades they were organized into local militia defense corps. Some of these militia groups were further trained as attack armies to seek out the rebels, whose forces were thinned by offers of amnesty to the rank and file and of rewards for the capture of the leaders. By 1804 the area was again placed under imperial control by the local militia. An independent military force, the militia proved difficult to disband, and frequently it turned against the dynasty in the early 20th century.

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