

      Iroquois-speaking North American Indians whose name meanspeople of the place of the floating film,” probably after the oil spring at what is now Cuba, N.Y., U.S., where they lived. The oil was a highly regarded medicine for various ailments. Like other Iroquoian tribes, the Wenrohronon were traditionally semisedentary, cultivating corn (maize), hunting, and fishing for their livelihood. Each community was guided by a chief and a council of elders.

      An alliance with the Neutral tribe (Neutral) protected the Wenrohronon from Iroquois predation until 1639, when the Neutral withdrew their support. This act and an epidemic, probably of smallpox, led some 600 Wenrohronon to flee to the Huron for refuge. Many died of hunger, exposure, exhaustion, and disease before reaching safety with the Huron, who welcomed the survivors. The remaining Wenrohronon, who may have numbered 1,500, were incorporated into the Neutral and were later destroyed with them by the Iroquois.

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