Wellman, William

Wellman, William

▪ American director
born Feb. 29, 1896, Brookline, Mass, U.S.
died Dec. 9, 1975, Los Angeles

      American film director whose more than 80 movies included Hollywood classics of documentary realism.

      Wellman left secondary school in Newton, Mass., to take up professional ice hockey. In 1917 he volunteered for ambulance duty in France, soon joined the French air corps, flew in combat, and was shot down. He returned to the United States and entered business in Boston.

      With Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Wellman appeared as an actor in a silent movie, Knickerbocker Buckeroo (1919). From the 1920s Wellman directed and sometimes also produced films for the major Hollywood studios.

      His aerial dogfight classic, Wings (1929), reflected Wellman's lifelong interest in aviation and set standards for documentary realism. It received the first Academy Award for best film of the year. His pictures include Public Enemy (1931), which made James Cagney (Cagney, James) a star and generated a long train of gangster movies, the original A Star is Born (1937), and Beau Geste (1939). The Ox-Bow Incident (1942; titled Strange Incident in Great Britain), on a lynching, is considered one of his best films.

      The Story of GI Joe (1945; War Correspondent in Great Britain), starring Robert Mitchum, was based on Ernie Pyle's books; and The High and the Mighty (1954) was based on the novel by Ernest K. Gann. Track of the Cat (1954), also starring Mitchum, is an experiment in the minimal use of colour. Wellman retired after making Lafayette Escadrille (1958) about his World War I flying unit.

      In A Short Time for Insanity: An Autobiography (1974), which includes a filmography, Wellman recounts, in free-association style, incidents of a hard-driving and sometimes picaresque life. His nickname was Wild Bill.

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  • William Wellman — William Augustus Wellman (* 29. Februar 1896 in Brookline, Massachusetts, USA; † 9. Dezember 1975 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Filmregisseur. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Filmographie (Auswahl) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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