Watson,Thomas Augustus — Watson, Thomas Augustus. 1854 1934. American telephone pioneer who assisted Alexander Graham Bell in his experiments and was the leader of research and engineering for Bell Telephone Company (1877 1881). * * * … Universalium
Thomas Augustus Watson — Thomas A. Watson Pour les articles homonymes, voir Watson. Demande de traduction … Wikipédia en Français
Thomas Augustus Watson — noun United States telephone engineer who assisted Alexander Graham Bell in his experiments (1854 1934) • Syn: ↑Watson • Instance Hypernyms: ↑engineer, ↑applied scientist, ↑technologist … Useful english dictionary
Thomas A. Watson — Thomas Augustus Watson (January 18 1854 December 13 1934) was an assistant to Alexander Graham Bell, notably in the invention of the telephone in 1876. He is best known because his name is the first word spoken over the telephone. Mr. Watson Come … Wikipedia
Watson — /wot seuhn/, n. 1. James Dewey, born 1928, U.S. biologist: Nobel prize for medicine 1962. 2. John ( Ian Maclaren ), 1850 1907, Scottish clergyman and novelist. 3. John Broadus /braw deuhs/, 1878 1958, U.S. psychologist. 4. John Christian, 1867… … Universalium
Thomas — /tom euhs/ for 1, 2, 4 14; /taw mah / for 3, n. 1. an apostle who demanded proof of Christ s Resurrection. John 20:24 29. 2. Augustus, 1857 1934, U.S. playwright, journalist, and actor. 3. (Charles Louis) Ambroise /shannrddl lwee ahonn brddwannz… … Universalium
Watson — noun 1. United States geneticist who (with Crick in 1953) helped discover the helical structure of DNA (born in 1928) • Syn: ↑James Watson, ↑James Dewey Watson • Instance Hypernyms: ↑geneticist 2. United States psychologist considered the founder … Useful english dictionary
Thomas Pelham-Holles — in einem Porträt von William Hoare, um 1752 Thomas Pelham Holles, Marquess of Clare und 4. Herzog von Newcastle (* 21. Juli 1693 in London; † 17. November 1768 ebenda) war ein britischer Politiker und Premierminister. Leben … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1. Duke of Newcastle — Thomas Pelham Holles in einem Porträt von William Hoare, um 1752 Thomas Pelham Holles, Marquess of Clare und 4. Herzog von Newcastle (* 21. Juli 1693 in London; † 17. November 1768 ebenda) war ein britischer Politiker und Premierminister. Leben … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1. Herzog von Newcastle — Thomas Pelham Holles in einem Porträt von William Hoare, um 1752 Thomas Pelham Holles, Marquess of Clare und 4. Herzog von Newcastle (* 21. Juli 1693 in London; † 17. November 1768 ebenda) war ein britischer Politiker und Premierminister. Leben … Deutsch Wikipedia