- water scavenger beetle
▪ insectany of the approximately 2,000 species of the predominately aquatic insect family Hydrophilidae (order Coleoptera). These beetles are found swimming in marshy freshwater ponds throughout the world, especially in warm regions. Water scavenger beetles have smooth, oval, dark-brown or black bodies and short, hairy, clubbed antennae. They range in length from several to about 4 cm (up to 1.6 inches). The water scavenger beetle swims by moving the middle and the hindlegs on each side together. Most adults (e.g., Hydrophilus and Tropisternus) feed on algae or decaying matter; a few species, however, are predators.The female deposits about 100 eggs in a silklike, waterproof egg case, which she either attaches to underwater vegetation, floats on the water surface, or hangs on herself. The carnivorous larvae feed not only on insects that fall into the water but also on their own kind. Many larvae must come to the water surface for air, although a few (e.g., Berosus) breathe through the body wall and abdominal filaments.The water scavenger beetle differs from most water insects in that it hangs suspended from the water surface by its head rather than by its abdomen. In order to replenish the layer of air surrounding the body, it extends its antennae through the surface film. When ready to dive, the water scavenger beetle folds back its antennae, capturing a bubble of air, which is stored as a silvery body covering.
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Universalium. 2010.