Watanabe Kazan

Watanabe Kazan

Japanese artist
original name Watanabe Sadayasu
born Oct. 20, 1793, Edo [now Tokyo], Japan
died Nov. 23, 1841, Tahara

      Japanese scholar and painter noted for his character-revealing portraits and his pioneering efforts in adapting Western perspective to Japanese art.

      The son of a poor retainer of a lesser lord, Watanabe studied painting to earn a living. In 1832 Watanabe, who was in the service of Lord Tawara of Mikawa, was sent to an important post at Edo (now Tokyo). He also was put in charge of coastal defense for his province. His opposition to the stringent antiforeigner policy of the ruling Tokugawa shogunate, however, brought him great suffering and a long term of house arrest. Later, when his pupils planned to hold a benefit exhibition for him in Edo, he feared it would create turmoil that might draw attention to his family and to his lord, and he chose, therefore, to commit suicide.

      As a painter, Watanabe was a man of great originality whose talent was sustained by sound technique based on untiring sketching. He managed to add Western perspective to traditional Oriental techniques without producing a jarring effect. His forte was portrait drawing, which he carried out with profound insight into his models' characters and with unrelenting realismtraits that mark his portraits of the scholar Takami Senseki and the calligrapher Ichikawa Beian. His premature death retarded the integration of traditional Japanese and modern Western art.

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