Ward, Artemus

Ward, Artemus

American humorist
pseudonym of  Charles Farrar Browne  
born April 26, 1834, Waterford, Maine, U.S.
died March 6, 1867, Southampton, Hampshire, Eng.

      one of the most popular 19th-century American humorists, whose lecture techniques exercised much influence on such humorists as Mark Twain.

      Starting as a printer's apprentice, Browne went to Boston to work as a compositor for The Carpet-Bag, a humour magazine. In 1860, after several years as local editor for the Toledo (Ohio) Commercial and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, he became staff writer for Vanity Fair in New York.

      While working on the Plain Dealer, Browne created the character Artemus Ward, the manager of an itinerant sideshow whocommentedon a variety of subjects in letters to the Plain Dealer, Punch, and Vanity Fair. The most obvious features of his humour are puns and gross misspellings. In 1861 Browne turned to lecturing under the pseudonym Artemus Ward. Though his books were popular, it was his lecturing, delivered with deadpan expression, that brought him fame. His works include Artemus Ward: His Book (1862); Artemus Ward: His Travels (1865); and Artemus Ward in London (1867).

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