Walīd, al-

Walīd, al-

Umayyad caliph
also called  al-Walīd I,  in full  Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Walīd ibn ʿAbd al-Malīk ibn Marwān 
born 668?
died 715, Damascus [now in Syria]

      sixth caliph (reigned 705715) of the Umayyad Arab dynasty, who is best known for the mosques constructed during his reign.

      Al-Walīd, the eldest son of the caliph ʿAbd al-Malīk ibn Marwān, was fervently orthodox in his religious views, and he had a great interest in architecture. As caliph, he confiscated the Christian Basilica of St. John the Baptist in Damascus and had the Great Mosque (Umayyad Mosque (Damascus, Great Mosque of)) erected on the site. He also had mosques built at Medina and Jerusalem. During al-Walīd's reign, areas in Central Asia, in coastal northern Africa, and in Spain were conquered and brought under the influence of Islam. Although al-Walīd did not actively direct this expansion, he did give support to capable subordinate officers and officials, allowing them great autonomy in the conduct of their affairs.

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