Vyshinsky, Andrey

Vyshinsky, Andrey

Soviet statesman
Vyshinsky also spelled  Vishinsky  
born November 28 [December 10, New Style], 1883, Odessa, Russia
died November 22, 1954, New York, New York, U.S.
 Soviet statesman, diplomat, and lawyer who was the chief prosecutor during the Great purge trials in Moscow in the 1930s.

      Vyshinsky, a member of the Menshevik branch of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party since 1903, became a lawyer in 1913 and joined the Communist Party in 1920. While teaching at Moscow State University and practicing law as a prosecutor, he acquired a reputation as a legal theoretician. In 1928 he was appointed to the collegium of the Commissariat of Education and also was prosecutor at several noted trials of alleged saboteurs and counterrevolutionaries. After becoming prosecutor of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (1931), he was promoted to deputy prosecutor (1933) and prosecutor of the Soviet Union (1935).

      Vyshinsky became widely known in 1933 during the Metro-Vickers trial, in which several British engineers were charged with trying to wreck Soviet hydroelectric constructions. During the Great Purge trials (193438), in which he prosecuted many prominent former Soviet leaders for treason, he gained worldwide notoriety as an aggressive and vengeful courtroom lawyer.

      Becoming a member of the party's Central Committee, as well as deputy commissar of foreign affairs, by 1940, Vyshinsky supervised the incorporation of Latvia into the Soviet Union in 1940 and later arranged for a communist regime to assume control of Romania (1945). In March 1949 he became foreign minister and, representing the Soviet Union at the United Nations, frequently launched bitter verbal attacks on the United States, which was soon engaged in the Korean War. After Joseph Stalin's death in 1953, Vyshinsky was demoted to first deputy foreign minister, but he remained at the UN as the permanent Soviet representative until his own death a year later.

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