Vries, Adriaen de

Vries, Adriaen de

Dutch sculptor
born , 1545/46, The Hague
died Dec. 15, 1626, Prague

      the most important Dutch Mannerist sculptor.

      De Vries left his homeland, where there was little interest in sculpture at the time, and he never returned. In Florence he studied under Giambologna, the leading Italian Mannerist sculptor of his day. De Vries lived for a time in Rome and later worked for Charles Emmanuel, duke of Savoy, and as court sculptor (from 1601) under the emperor Rudolf II in Prague.

      De Vries's most significant work is theHercules Fountain” (15961602), a monumental Italianate work created in Augsburg for the city festival of 1600. HisPsyche with Pandora's Boxis a characteristic example of his styleshimmering satin finish, spiraling complexity, and a soaring grace.

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