- Vizcaya
provincia (province) in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Basque Country, northern Spain. Originally a tribal territory of the Vascones (4th century), Vizcaya was vested in the crown of Castile and Leon in 1379, but the central government has always had difficulties ruling the fiercely independent Basques (Basque). Charters of rights and privileges (fueros) toward some form of regional autonomy were granted to the Basque provinces, notably in the Economic Accord of 1925, signed with the national exchequer. This agreement was canceled, however, after the Nationalist victory of 1937. In 1980, with Álava and Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya became one of the three component provinces of the autonomous region of the Basque Country.The inland Nervión River valley, bordered by the coastal mountain range (Mount Oiz; 3,363 feet [1,025 metres]) and by the inland arc of mountains that connects near the Aitzgorri (5,066 feet [1,544 metres]) with the Navarrese mountains of Aralar, is an agricultural region where corn (maize) and apples are cultivated and livestock is raised; its cider is famous throughout Spain. The eastern iron district of Vizcaya, between Santander and Burgos, is also important because of its pasturage for livestock. Farms are scattered throughout the province in isolated caseríos (settlements), although, in the western valleys of Carranza and Lanestosa, the Castilian influence of hamlets is clear.The Cantabrian coastal area, in the north, where fishing and tourism represent the economic mainstays, has many high cliffs and rías (inlets); Bermeo and Ondárroa are its most important fishing ports. Bilbao city, the provincial capital and seaport, and its environs constitute the industrial (iron, steel, and chemicals) and commercial centre of Vizcaya, which has among the greatest mineral wealth of any Spanish province. Mining and the production of electricity are also significant. Guernica, near Bilbao, is the symbol of Basque glory and the subject of a painting by Pablo Picasso inspired by the massacre there during the Spanish Civil War. Area 856 square miles (2,217 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 1,141,457.Vicente Rodriguez
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Universalium. 2010.