- Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang
▪ Vietnamese revolutionary organizationthe first large-scale revolutionary nationalist organization in Vietnam. Founded officially in 1927, the VNQDD was modeled after the revolutionary Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) of China. Its aim, like that of the Nationalist Party, was the establishment of a republican democratic government free from foreign interference. Gaining the allegiance of many military officers, as well as of the young intelligentsia, the VNQDD turned to terrorist activities in the late 1920s after the French repeatedly denied it a chance to participate in the electoral process.Its most ambitious action—an event known as the Yen Bai uprising—occurred on the night of Feb. 9, 1930, when the military garrison at Yen Bai, a small town along the Chinese border, mutinied. Before the remainder of the country could follow suit, however, the French, who had been alerted, crushed the revolt with such severity that the VNQDD was destroyed. Many former members joined the newly formed Indochinese Communist Party.
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Universalium. 2010.