Vidor, King

Vidor, King

American film director
born Feb. 8, 1894, Galveston, Texas, U.S.
died Nov. 1, 1982, Paso Robles, Calif.

      American motion-picture director whose films of the 1920s and '30s in both content and theme were among the most creative of those produced in Hollywood; they deal in relatively uncompromising terms with such themes as idealism and disillusionment in contemporary life.

 As a schoolboy, Vidor was an assistant projectionist in a nickelodeon. In 1915 he went to Hollywood, where he was a prop boy, scriptwriter, newsreel cameraman, and assistant director, while his wife, Florence Vidor (divorced 1925), became a well-known silent-film actress. Within three years (1918) Vidor was directing his first films. The Big Parade (1925), a film about World War I, was a tremendous success and established his reputation. Marked by a flair for characterization and social consciousness, it was followed by The Crowd (1928), considered to be one of the finest of all silent films. With grim and sombre imagery, it deals with the life of a very average American, who starts out with high hopes but is gradually broken by the social ills of modern urban life. Vidor's other films include Hallelujah! (1929), the first Hollywood film with an all-black cast; Street Scene (1931), a tragedy of lower-class New York life based on the play by Elmer Rice; Our Daily Bread (1934), dealing with the formation of a farm cooperative; The Wedding Night (1935), containing a sensitive depiction of Polish immigrant customs; and The Citadel (1938), a screen adaptation of the novel by A.J. Cronin about a physician's struggle in a Welsh mining community, which won an Academy Award nomination for best director. He also directed the black-and-white (Kansas) scenes of The Wizard of Oz (1939).

      Some of Vidor's well-known films of the 1940s and '50s were The Fountainhead (1949), Duel in the Sun (1946), and War and Peace (1956). Vidor's autobiography, A Tree Is a Tree (1953), contains valuable information on the development of the motion picture.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Vidor, King (Wallis) — born Feb. 8, 1894, Galveston, Texas, U.S. died Nov. 1, 1982, Paso Robles, Calif. U.S. film director. He worked as a prop boy, scriptwriter, newsreel cameraman, and assistant director before directing his first feature film, The Turn in the Road… …   Universalium

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