Velleius Paterculus

Velleius Paterculus

Roman historian
born c. 19 BC
died after AD 30

      Roman soldier, political figure, and historian whose work on Rome is a valuable if amateurish source for the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius.

      Velleius's father was of equestrian status, and his mother belonged to a distinguished Campanian family. He served as military tribune in Thrace, Macedonia, Greece, and the East, and as prefect of cavalry and legatus he served for eight years (from AD 4) in Germany and in Pannonia under the future emperor Tiberius. He was quaestor in AD 7 and praetor in 15 and was still alive in 30, for he dedicated his work to Marcus Vinicius as consul for that year.

      Velleius wrote a compendium of Roman history from the origins to AD 29. Almost all of Book 1 is lost (up to the Battle of Pydna, 168 BC). The period from the death of Julius Caesar (Caesar, Julius) to that of Augustus is treated most fully, and the achievements of his old commander, Tiberius, are described in eulogistic terms. Velleius's account provides a glimpse of the official imperial version of events that would be described by the historian Tacitus and the biographer Suetonius in the 2nd century from the opposition (i.e., senatorial) perspective. In addition, Velleius witnessed and participated in many of the events he describes. His style is that of the Silver Age, employing antithesis, epigram, and rhetorical embellishment.

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Universalium. 2010.

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