

Hindu god
      in Hindu mythology, the patronymic of Krishna (Kṛṣṇa), who, according to one tradition, was a son of Vāsudeva. The worshipers of Vāsudeva, or Krishna, formed one of the earliest theistic devotional movements within Hinduism. When they merged with other groups, namely the Bhāgavata, they represented the beginnings of modern Vaiṣṇavism (Vaishnavism), or worship of Lord Vishnu. A significant 2nd-century-BC inscription at Besnagar, near Vidisha (Bhīlsa), Madhya Pradesh, refers to a column topped by a figure of Garuḍa (the emblem or mount of Lord Vishnu), erected in honour of Vāsudeva by the Indo-Greek ambassador Heliodorus, who termed himself aBhāgavata.” Though, in the earliest parts of the great Indian epic the Mahābhārata, the divinity of Krishna appears to be still open to doubt, by the time of the writing of the Bhagavadgītā (1st2nd century AD), Vāsudeva-Krishna was clearly identified with the Vedic god Vishnu.

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  • Vasudeva — (Sanskrit, m., वसुदेव, vasudeva) ist in der indischen Überlieferung wie etwa im indischen Epos Mahabharata und im Bhagavata der Vater von Krishna. Er gehörte zur Dynastie der Yadava und seine Schwester war Kunti, die Mutter der Pandava Prinzen.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Vasudeva — For the Kushan king, see Vasudeva I. For the book by Narendra Kohli, see Vasudeva (book). :: Not to be confused with IAST|Vāsudeva, a name of Krishna. In Hindu mythology, Vasudeva (Devanagari sa. वसुदेव, IAST IAST|Vasudeva ) is the father of… …   Wikipedia

  • Vasudeva I — [ thumb|350px|Gold coin of Vasudeva I. Obv: Vasudeva in tall helmet, holding a scepter, and making an offering over an altar. Legend in Kushan language and Greek script (with the Kushan letter Ϸ sh ): ϷΑΟΝΑΝΟϷΑΟ ΒΑΖΟΔΗΟ ΚΟϷΑΝΟ ( Shaonanoshao… …   Wikipedia

  • Vasudeva —    In Hindu mythology Vasudeva is the father of KRISHNA. He was particularly popular in the Jain tradition (see JAINISM), whose PURANAS abound with stories about his life. Krishna himself is known by the epithet Vasudeva (with a long a as the… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Vasudeva I. — Münze von Vasudeva I. Vasudeva I. (Bazodeo auf Münzen) (regierte etwa 191 bis 220 n. Chr.) war der letzte der sogenannten großen Kushan Herrscher. Er ist von verschiedenen Inschriften bekannt, die in die Jahre 64 bis 98 der Kanishka Ära datieren …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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