Vanvitelli, Luigi

Vanvitelli, Luigi

Italian architect

born May 26, 1700, Naples, Spanish Habsburg domain [Italy]
died March 1, 1773, Caserta, near Naples
 Italian architect whose enormous Royal Palace at Caserta (175274) was one of the last triumphs of the Italian Baroque.

      Vanvitelli was trained by Niccolò Salvi and worked with him on lengthening the facade of Gian Lorenzo Bernini's Palazzo Chigi (16641745, Rome). He completed several other buildings, including the Chiesa del Gésu (174345), before he began work on the Royal Palace. The palace, commissioned by the Spanish king of Naples as the summer residence of the Bourbons of Spain, was modelled after the imperial architecture of the palace of Versailles. The quadrilateral building at Caserta, enclosing four courtyards, has 1,200 rooms, a huge chapel, and a theatre. In addition to its celebrated staircase, which is the largest in Italy, the palace offers many magnificent vistas.

      Vanvitelli also built the Lazzaretto and Arco Clementino for Pope Clement XII in Ancona; the Chiesa dell'Annunciata (1756/611782) in Naples, and the monastery of S. Agostino. He rebuilt Michelangelo's S. Maria degli Angeli in Rome and contributed to other works in Milan, Siena, Pesaro, Macerato, Perugia, Loreto, and elsewhere. Besides designing secular buildings, he built the aqueduct Carolino (175264), 25 miles long, which supplies Naples with water.

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