

also spelled  Vei,  also called  Gallinas,  

      people inhabiting northwestern Liberia and contiguous parts of Sierra Leone. Early Portuguese writers called them Gallinas (“chickens”), reputedly after a local wildfowl. Speaking a language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo family, the Vai have close cultural ties to the Mande peoples.

      Vai behaviour in all aspects of life is strongly influenced by secret societies known as poro and sandefor men and women, respectively. The modern Vai are largely Islāmized. Formerly known as slave traders, the Vai now rely on farming and fishing; many work in government or for foreign companies. Their crafts are well developed, especially weaving and goldsmithing. A unique syllabic system of writing, invented in the 19th century by a Vai man, Doalu Bukere, is used mostly among older people. Many Vai are literate in Arabic. In the late 20th century the Vai numbered more than 50,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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