Uthmān ibn ʿAffānʿ

Uthmān ibn ʿAffānʿ

Muslim caliph

died June 17, 656, Medina, Arabian Peninsula

      third caliph to rule after the death of the Prophet. He centralized the administration of the caliphate and established an official version of the Qurʾān. ʿUthmān is critically important in Islāmic (Islāmic world) history because his death marked the beginning of open religious and political conflicts within the Islāmic community (see fitnah).

      ʿUthmān was born into the rich and powerful Umayyad clan of Mecca, and he became a wealthy merchant. When Muḥammad (Muhammad) began preaching in Mecca c. 615, he soon aroused the hostility of the Umayyads, but about five years later ʿUthmān accepted Muḥammad and thus became the first convert of high social and economic standing. Muḥammad valued this contact with the Meccan aristocracy, and he allowed ʿUthmān to marry one of his daughters. ʿUthmān rarely displayed energy or initiative, however, and his role in the first years of Islāmic history was passive.

      ʿUmar, the second caliph, died in 644, and ʿUthmān was elected successor by a council named by ʿUmar before his death. Apparently ʿUthmān was selected as a compromise, when the more powerful candidates cancelled each other out. He also represented the Umayyad clan, which had suffered a partial eclipse during the Prophet's lifetime but was now reasserting its influence.

      As caliph ʿUthmān promulgated an official version of the Qurʾān, which had existed in various versions. ʿUthmān followed the same general policies as had ʿUmar, but he had a less forceful personality than his predecessor. He continued the conquests that had steadily increased the size of the Islāmic empire, but the victories now came at a greater cost and brought less booty in return. ʿUthmān tried to create a cohesive central authority to replace the loose tribal alliance that had emerged under Muḥammad. He established a system of landed fiefs and distributed many of the provincial governorships to members of his family. Thus much of the treasure received by the central government went to ʿUthmān's family and to other provincial governors rather than to the army. As a result of his policies, ʿUthmān was opposed by the army, and he was often dominated by his relatives, unlike ʿUmar, who had been strong enough to impose his authority on the governors, whatever their clan or tribe.

      By 650 rebellions had broken out in the provinces of Egypt and Iraq. In 655 a group of Egyptian malcontents marched upon Medina, the seat of caliphal authority. ʿUthmān, however, was conciliatory, and the rebels headed back to Egypt. Shortly thereafter, however, another group of rebels besieged ʿUthmān in his home, and, after several days of desultory fighting, he was killed.

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