Unity School of Christianity

Unity School of Christianity

also called  Unity,  

      religious movement founded in Kansas City, Mo., in 1889 by Charles Fillmore (18541948), a real-estate agent, and his wife, Myrtle (18451931). Mrs. Fillmore believed that spiritual healing had cured her of tuberculosis. As a result, the Fillmores began studying spiritual healing. They were deeply influenced by Emma Curtis Hopkins, a former follower of Mary Baker Eddy, who founded Christian Science. Unity, however, is closer to New Thought, which in general emphasizes the primacy of mind and spiritual healing, than it is to Christian Science. Until 1922 it was a member of the International New Thought Alliance.

      Unity developed gradually as the Fillmores attempted to share their insights concerning religion and spiritual healing. They began publishing magazines, books, and pamphlets and started the service known as Silent Unity, which, through prayer and counselling, helps people by telephone and by mail. As the work and the number of employees increased, Unity moved several times within Kansas City. After World War I, the Fillmores began developing Unity Village, 15 miles from Kansas City and eventually covering 1,400 acres, and by 1949 all departments of Unity were located there. After Charles Fillmore's death, Unity was led by the Fillmores' sons and grandchildren.

      From Unity Village a variety of activities are carried on. The publishing operation produces books, pamphlets, and periodicals, including Unity, Daily Word, and Wee Wisdom. The staff of Silent Unity is available day and night to aid people through counselling and prayer. It has been reported that as many as 2,500,000 requests for aid are received by Silent Unity each year. All are answered by mail or by telephone free of charge, but many persons who make requests give a contribution. Unity also conducts classes for interested individuals and a course of study for those who wish to become Unity ministers and teachers in the approximately 300 Unity centres, which are located in many states in the U.S. and in other countries.

      Although Unity prefers to consider itself a nonsectarian educational institution that attempts to teach religious truth, it has essentially become a denomination. Unity ministers must complete a prescribed course of study and be approved by the Unity School of Christianity. Ministers are organized into the Unity Ministers Association; they hold an annual conference.

      Unity emphasizes spiritual healing, prosperity, and practical Christianity. Unlike some New Thought groups, it stresses its agreements with traditional Christianity. Sin, illness, the world, and matter are considered real and material, in contrast to the doctrines of Christian Science, but illnesses are considered unnatural and curable by spiritual means. The practice of medicine, however, is not rejected. There is no definite creed, although a statement written by Charles Fillmore, the Unity Statement of Faith, is available in a pamphlet. Unity is tolerant of the beliefs and practices of others.

      Official statistics are difficult to interpret, since the movement is interdenominational, but the Unity movement is thought to reach some 6,000,000 persons, most of whom, however, are not members. Its influence extends far beyond the membership.

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Universalium. 2010.

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