Trophic level — First trophic level The plants in this image, and the algae and phytoplankton in the lake, are primary producers. They take nutrients from the soil or the water, and manufacture their own food by photosynthesis, using energy from the sun. The… … Wikipedia
trophic level — /trɒfɪk ˈlɛvəl/ (say trofik levuhl) noun a level in a food chain, represented as one of a succession of steps in the transfer of matter and energy in an ecosystem. The natural flow of energy in an ecosystem is from the sun to the plants (the… …
trophic level — noun : one of the hierarchical strata of a food web characterized by organisms which are the same number of steps removed from the primary producers * * * ˌtrophic ˈlevel 7 [trophic level] noun (technical) each of several levels in an ↑ecosystem … Useful english dictionary
trophic level — mitybos grandis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Iš dviejų organizmų sudaryta mitybos grandinės dalis, per kurią yra perduodama energija (maistas), pvz., augalai – žolėdžiai žinduoliai – plėšrūnai. atitikmenys: angl.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
trophic level — in ecosystems, each level of energy storage which is also a food supply for the next … Geography glossary
trophic level — noun Date: 1942 one of the hierarchical strata of a food web characterized by organisms which are the same number of steps removed from the primary producers … New Collegiate Dictionary
trophic level — noun A particular position occupied by a group of organisms in a food chain … Wiktionary
trophic level — troph′ic lev el n. ecl ecl each of the levels of feeding that together form a food chain • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
Trophic cascade — Trophic cascades occur when predators in a food chain suppress the abundance of their prey, thereby releasing the next lower trophic level from predation (or herbivory if the intermediate trophic level is an herbivore). For example, if the… … Wikipedia
Trophic — can refer to: * Trophic level * Trophic egg * Trophic hormone … Wikipedia