Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf

Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf

German philosopher

born Nov. 30, 1802, Eutin, Oldenburg [Germany]
died Jan. 24, 1872, Berlin
 German philologist, educator, prolific writer, and controversial philosopher who is remembered for his criticisms based on the thought of Aristotle and aimed against adherents of Immanuel Kant (Kant, Immanuel) and G.W.F. Hegel.

      Attracted to the study of Plato and Aristotle as a student, Trendelenburg attempted to arrive at a more accurate knowledge of Plato through Aristotle's commentaries. At the end of seven years spent as a tutor to a private family, he wrote in 1833 his critical edition of Aristotle's De anima (On the Soul). The same year, he was appointed extraordentlicher Professor at Berlin and four years later was advanced to ordentlicher Professor. In 1865 he began a controversial exchange with the German historian Kuno Fischer (Fischer, Kuno) centring on Kant's philosophical doctrine of space. Trendelenburg's attack in Kuno Fischer und sein Kant (1869; “Kuno Fischer and His Kant”) was met the next year by the response Anti-Trendelenburg.

      Preferring to attend to problems of the real world, Trendelenburg viewed ethics in the context of politics and history rather than in the framework of purely philosophical formulations. Law, the state, and the actualization of human potential in the real world were central to Trendelenburg's system, epitomized by his Naturrecht auf dem Grunde der Ethik (1860; “Natural Law on the Basis of Ethics”). Among his other works are Elementa Logices Aristotelicae (1836; Outline of Logic), Logische Untersuchungen (1840; “Logical Investigations”), and Die logische Frage in Hegels System (1843; “The Logical Question in Hegel's System”).

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