Tranströmer, Tomas

Tranströmer, Tomas

Swedish poet
born April 15, 1931, Stockholm, Sweden

      Swedish lyrical poet noted for his resonant and strangely suggestive imagery.

      Tranströmer earned a degree in psychology at the University of Stockholm in 1956 and served from 1960 to 1965 as a psychologist at Roxtuna, a prison for young offenders. From the mid-1960s he divided his time between his writing and his work as a psychologist.

      In his first published collection, 17 dikter (1954; “Seventeen Poems”), Tranströmer displayed a bold, Surrealistic use of metaphor while also experimenting with free and blank verse and Sapphic stanzas. The poetry in Hemligheter vägen (1958; “Secrets on the Way”) and Klanger och spår (1966; Echoes and Traces) is composed in a more personal style, with plainer diction and exceptionally strong rhythmic qualities evident in free verse. Tranströmer's precise poetic observations of nature combine richness of meaning with the utmost simplicity of style. His celebrations of the Baltic coast around Stockholm in such works as Östersjöar (1974; Baltics) rely on a deceptively plain imagery, which through daring leaps of association opens strange and uncanny perspectives. Tranströmer's famous metaphorSweden is a hauled-up, unrigged ship,” in reference to what he viewed as the stagnant state of Swedish society, is a good example of his strangely resonant imagery. His later works include Sanningsbarriären (1978; The Truth Barrier) and Collected Poems (1988), an English translation.

      Tranströmer's direct language and powerful images made him the most widely translated Scandinavian poet in the English-speaking world in the later 20th century.

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