Tran Hung Dao

Tran Hung Dao

Vietnamese military leader
original name  Tran Quoc Tuan,  also called  Hung Dao Vuong 
born 1229?
died 1300, Van Kiep, Vietnam

      figure of almost legendary proportions in Vietnamese history, a brilliant military strategist who defeated two Mongol invasions and became a cultural hero among modern Vietnamese.

      By the early 1280s the Vietnamese kingdom faced a growing threat from the Mongols under Kublai Khan, who had conquered China in the previous decade. When he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Vietnamese armed forces, Tran Hung Dao, in a rousing speech to his forces, called for national unity and persuaded his army to fight the invaders. When the Mongols invaded the Red River valley (in northern Vietnam) with a massive army in 1283/84, Tran gave way before the invaders and adopted a defensive strategy, using guerrilla warfare and scorched-earth tactics against them. He then launched a counteroffensive that liberated the Vietnamese capital and drove the Mongols back into China.

      When the Mongols resumed their campaign against Vietnam in 1287, Tran and his forces again gave ground, avoiding a pitched battle until the Mongols had occupied the capital. After resuming the offensive, Tran engaged the Mongol fleet in battle at the mouth of the Bach Dang River in 1288. Kublai Khan's junks, lured by Hung Dao's men, were ripped apart by iron-tipped spears that had been implanted beneath the watersa strategy borrowed from an earlier Vietnamese warrior, Ngo Quyen (939).

      Tran Hung Dao was one of the first great Vietnamese military strategists. His use of guerrilla warfare to harass and eventually defeat a more powerful enemy provided a model for communist guerrilla warfare in the 20th century. His mobilization of the entire Vietnamese population in the cause of national resistance to foreign invasion similarly inspired the North Vietnamese during the Indochina Wars (194675). His proclamation calling for national unity, along with a textbook he wrote on military strategy, became classics of Vietnamese literature. Tran Hung Dao is still an object of worship in rural areas of Vietnam, with many temples dedicated to him.

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