Tournier, Michel

Tournier, Michel

▪ French author
born Dec. 19, 1924, Paris, France

      French novelist whose manipulation of mythology and old stories has often been called subversive insofar as it challenges the conventional assumptions of middle-class society.

      Tournier studied philosophy at the University of Tübingen in Germany from 1946 to 1950. His first novel, Vendredi; ou, les limbes du Pacifique (1967; Friday; or, the Other Island), is a revisionist Robinson Crusoe, with Crusoe as a colonialist who fails to coerce Friday into accepting his version of the world. The obsessive organizer who feels compelled to order life into a predictable pattern is a common motif in Tournier's books. Perhaps his most famous and controversial work, Le Roi des aulnes (1970; The Erl-King; U.S. title, The Ogre), is about a French prisoner in Germany who assists the Nazis during World War II by searching for boys for a Nazi military camp. Les Météores (1975; Gemini) involves the desperate measures one man takes to be reunited with his identical twin brother, who has broken away from their obsessive, singular world. Tournier's two subsequent novels recast ancient stories with a modern twist: Gaspard, Melchior & Balthazar (1980; The Four Wise Men) relates the story of the visit of the Magi to the infant Christ, and Gilles & Jeanne (1983) is about Joan of Arc (Joan of Arc, Saint)'s companion, a perverted murderer. Tournier's later novels include La Goutte d'or (1985; The Golden Droplet), Le Médianoche amoureux (1989; The Midnight Love Feast), Le Miroir des idées (1994; The Mirror of Ideas), and Eléazar, ou, la source et le buisson (1996; Eléazar, Exodus to the West).

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  • Tournier, Michel — (1924 )    writer    Born in Paris, Michel Tournier in Le Vent paraclet (1977), an intellectual autobiography as well as an aesthetic literary essay, relates the stages of his late introduction to literature (age 43). Seeking to teach philosophy …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Tournier, Michel — ► (n. 1924) Escritor francés. Autor de Viernes o los limbos del Pacífico (1967), en la que recrea la historia de Robinsón Crusoe desde una perspectiva erótico social. Obtuvo el premio Goncourt con El rey de los Elfos (1970), donde utiliza como… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Tournier — (Michel) (né en 1924) écrivain français: Vendredi (1967), le Roi des Aulnes (1970), Gilles et Jeanne (1983) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Michel Tournier — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tournier. Michel Tournier …   Wikipédia en Français

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