Torres Villarroel, Diego de

Torres Villarroel, Diego de

Spanish writer
born c. 1693, , Salamanca, Spain
died June 19, 1770, Salamanca

      mathematician and writer, famous in his own time as the great maker of almanacs that delighted the Spanish public, now remembered for his Vida, picaresque memoirs that are among the best sources for information on life in 18th-century Spain.

      The son of a bookseller, he ran away from home and school and began a remarkable career as a dancer, musician, bullfighter, poet, lock picker, and seller of patent medicines. Returning home to Salamanca, he discovered a book on solid geometry and became a changed man. Mathematics was still viewed by some as related to magic, and for Torres Villarroel it had the power of a secret science. In 1721 he wrote his first almanac, and in 1726 he was made professor of mathematics at the University of Salamanca. He spent his final years in holy orders, spending his money on philanthropic enterprises.

      The Vida (1743), modelled on the work of the great Spanish poet Francisco Gómez de Quevedo, is written in the style of the 17th-century picaresque novels. The true adventures of a man imbued with enormous energy and panache, the book is full of fascinating details about Spanish life and customs. A fertile lyric poet as well, Torres Villarroel left 15 volumes of works.

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