Torelli, Giacomo

Torelli, Giacomo

Italian stage designer and engineer
also called  Jacopo  
born Sept. 1, 1608, Fano, Papal States [Italy]
died June 17, 1678, Fano

      Italian stage designer and engineer whose innovative theatre machinery provided the basis for many modern stage devices.

      Nothing is known of Torelli's early life. In 1641 he was a military engineer at Venice. Already known as an architect, he built two churches there. Having erected the Teatro Novissimo at Venice, he furnished it with ingenious machines, including a revolving stage and the chariot-and-pole system for changing scenery (see theatre: Developments in staging (theatre)). His inventions amazed 17th-century Europe and earned for him the title il gran stregone (“the great wizard”). He was called to France about 1645. There Torelli equipped the Théâtre du Petit-Bourbon in Paris with numerous devices such as the first effective machinery for rapid changes of heavy sets, which greatly encouraged the development of elaborate stage effects. Among his triumphs in Paris was the operatic production of Andromède (1650) by Pierre Corneille. Torelli later returned to Italy (c. 1662) and built an elaborately equipped theatre at Fano. His successor at the Petit-Bourbon, Gaspare Vigarani, destroyed his sets, apparently out of jealousy, but the designs for them were reproduced in the Encyclopédie (175172) of French philosopher Denis Diderot.

Additional Reading
Per Bjurström, Giacomo Torelli and Baroque Stage Design (1961).

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Universalium. 2010.

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