

also called  Tobacco Nation, or Tobacco Indians,  

      Iroquoian-speaking Indians formerly living in the mountains south of Nottawasaga Bay, in what are now Grey and Simcoe counties, Ontario. In 1616 they were visited by the French, who called them the Tobacco Nation because of their extensive cultivation of this plant. They also grew maize (corn), beans, squash, and sunflowers; all agricultural work was done by women except for the clearing of the fields for planting. Hunting and fishing were also practiced, although they were of lesser importance. At the time the Jesuits established a mission among them in 1640, the tribe comprised two clans and had nine villages. Civil chiefs and councils of elders guided the civil affairs of the villages; war chiefs were concerned with military matters.

      When the Iroquois attacked the Huron (q.v.) in 164850, many Huron took refuge with the Tionontati; in 1649 the Iroquois attacked one of the principal Tionontati villages, massacred the inhabitants, and destroyed the mission. The Tionontati and the Huron abandoned their country and fled to the region southwest of Lake Superior. The two tribes became amalgamated and were known as the Wyandot (see Wendat).

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