Tiktaalik roseae

Tiktaalik roseae

fossil animal
      taxonomic name given to an aquatic, fishlike animal that lived about 380385 million years ago (during the earliest late Devonian Period) and was a very close relative of the direct ancestors of tetrapods (four-legged land vertebrates). The genus name, Tiktaalik, comes from the Inuktitut language of the Inuit people of eastern Canada and is a general term for a large freshwater fish that lives in the shallows. The species name, roseae, honours a benefactor of the research that led to the finding of the fossils in 2004 on southern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, northern Canada. The fossil find consisted of a few nearly complete skeletons and several dozen partial specimens.

      T. roseae is one of a series of fossil forms discovered since the 1960s that have greatly improved scientific knowledge of the transition between aquatic vertebrates and the first land vertebrates. The aquatic Eusthenopteron and the (at least partly) terrestrial Ichthyostega, both of late Devonian age, are now understood to be bridged by forms such as Panderichthys, Elpistostege, and Acanthostega as well as Tiktaalik. However, it is inaccurate to claim that Tiktaalik and the other forms represent some sort offish-amphibian transitionor are amissing linkbetween fishes and amphibians. Tiktaalik and the other animals looked nothing like conventional ray-finned fishes such as trout and were not closely related to them; likewise, the first tetrapods on land were nothing like familiar amphibians of today such as frogs and salamanders. Tiktaalik and the other forms were actually akin in many respects to the ancient lungfish and coelacanth species that survive to this day. For this reason, they are better described as representing theemergence of vertebrates onto land.”

      T. roseae had nearly square, narrowly overlapping scales on its dorsal area, and it retained primitive features such as bony fin rays, which are lost in animals that mainly walk on land. In general form, it had a broad, flat skull with dorsally facing eye sockets, a long, crocodile-like body (some specimens reach almost 3 metres, or 10 feet, in length), and limbs that were intermediate in many respects between fins and legs. The forelimbs, for example, showed a common pattern of a central limb axis bifurcating at each new joint into two bones, the anterior one being smaller and generally unbranched and the posterior one being robust and branched. However, in Tiktaalik there was more branching on both axes, and it is tempting to see in this pattern the beginnings of bones that eventually would become some of the forearm and hand bones of tetrapods. The structure of the limb joints and the enlarged ribs of Tiktaalik show that the animal could flex enough to clamber about, at least in the shallows, and perhaps a bit on land, although its skeleton was not otherwise broadly adapted for that purpose. The fin rays covering the ends of its limbs and its flattened, streamlined body plan indicate that Tiktaalik retained the ability to swim. Its long snout and lack of gill covers suggest that it snapped up prey rather than inhaling it as fishes do.

Kevin Padian

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Universalium. 2010.

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