Tiberius II Constantinus

Tiberius II Constantinus

▪ Byzantine emperor
born , Thrace
died Aug. 14, 582, Constantinople

      Byzantine emperor from 578 who succeeded in defending the empire against the Persians to the east but suffered reverses in conflicts with the Avars and the Slavs to the north and west.

      Tiberius served in campaigns against the Avars in the Balkans under Justin II. About the year 574, Justin became subject to fits of insanity; the empress Sophia and Tiberius then took over control of the government. Justin adopted Tiberius as his son, named him Caesar on Dec. 7, 574, and crowned him emperor (Sept. 26, 578). Justin died soon after (October 4), leaving Tiberius sole ruler.

      Meanwhile, in 578, Byzantium and Persia (Iran, ancient) had entered into peace negotiations to settle the Armenian question. The Persian king Khosrow I seemed about to make a settlement on Byzantium's terms when he died in the early spring of 579. His successor, Hormizd IV, however, rejected Tiberius' proposals, and hostilities resumed, continuing throughout Tiberius' reign. On the northern frontier, Tiberius attempted to pacify the Avars (Avar) by an annual tribute; but, after a two-year siege by the Avars, he was forced (582) to surrender Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica, Yugos.). Meanwhile, the Slavs poured into Thrace, Thessaly, Illyricum, and other regions of Greece.

      The mortally ill Tiberius in 582 recognized Maurice, his commander in the Persian War, as his successor and crowned him emperor on August 13, one day before his own death.

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Universalium. 2010.

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